Welcome to the website for the Danish Bridge Festival
The Danish Bridge Festival 2025 will take place from Saturday, July 5 to Saturday, July 12 i Svendborg.
The festival is for all bridge players current and new comers.
We will have a lot of exciting bridge related events to offer you during the festival week:
- Drop-in tournaments every day - and two online tournaments
- VINOBLE Open - a team tournament for all bridge players
- Gold tournament for pairs
- "Goldtour de Svendborg" - a gold tournament for pairs in Svendborg city hosted by Bridgefonden
- Bridge and a walk through the Spanish kitchen - a silver tournament for pairs in Svendborg city hosted by Bridgefonden
- Danish Championship Finals
- and a whole lot more
Everyone can participate in the drop-in tournaments. There is no need to pre-register! All you need is to show up and purchase your ticket in the information booth, find your seat at the table – and you are in. We play in seeded rows in all bronze tournaments, but we will guide you, so you are seated correctly.
IMPORTANT IF YOU HAVE NEVER PLAYED IN DENMARK BEFORE: All players must have a danish playing-number. So have you never played in Denmark before, please see the Information booth before the tournament, so we can give you a playing number. Have you played before and don't know your number please see the Information booth on location or contact us by email on dbf@bridge.dk beforehand.
If you don’t have a partner to play with already – please arrive to the information booth approximately 30 minutes before the tournament begins, so we will have time to match you with at partner. Please note, that this only apply for the bronze tournaments.
All bronze and silver tournaments are drop-in tournaments, so you will have plenty of opportunities to play some cards.
Bulletin board
We have a bulletin board for everything festival related. So are you looking for teammates for the Vinoble Open, a partner for a bronze torunament or anything else, please use our bulletin board to find what you are looking for. See the bulletin board here.
What - when - where - see the full programme for the Danish Bridgefestival
Svendborg Idrætscenter
Ryttervej 70
DK - 5700 Svendborg
Svendborg Idrætscenter consists of an older indoor sports arena and a new and more modern SG-house (not to be mixed-up with the old SG arena, which is located closer to the city center).
Svendborg Idrætscenter is located about 2 kilometers from the city centre. There are excellent parking facilities. See google map.
If you are arriving with train you can get of at the station Svendborg Vest, which is within walking distance from Svendborg Idrætscenter.
If you don’t have the time to go to the city centre during the breaks, food can be purchased in the café.
As a participant you will need to arrange your own accommodation during your stay in Svendborg. But we have negotiated some good deals for you. You can find a list of places to stay here.
Remember to inform that your stay is in assocation with the Danish Bridge Festival. Otherwise you will not get the discount.
Practical information
Here you can read all about the practical information about the festival.
Things to see in Svendborg
There is a lot to see and enjoy while in Svendborg besides the famous Bridge Festival. The entire southern part of Funen and the small idyllic islands close by also has a lot to offer.
You can explore and get inspired on www.visitsvendborg.com
We hope you will enjoy your stay.
Contact information
The Danish Bridge Federation is in charge of this yearly festival. If you have any questions regarding the festival you are welcome to contact us:
E: dbf@bridge.dk
T: 4847 5213
Our phones are open monday - thursday 9.30 - 14.30.
Queries regarding press related issues should be directed to our CEO Charlotte Fuglsang on 4847 5213.
Contact – during the festival
During the festival you can find us at the information booth in Svendborg Idrætscenter at Ryttervej 70 in Svendborg, ready to handle your queries.
If you need to get in contact with us during the festival, you can call us on our festival hotline 9189 5213.